Providing Help

The Stuttering Designer has helped many different types of companies, organizations and people with their own graphic project needs. Clients like Styles by Delores who is a hair stylists or Redondo Electric Inc. and even Myra who operates Myra’s Touch a place where you can get custom jewelry made. The clients/individuals are not from a specific industry but from multiple companies/organizations. For instance, Automotive Training, Church Events, Hair Salons, Instructional Design Writers, Automotive Training Material, Plumbing, Business Start-ups to a women’s organization. The projects are as unique as the clients/individuals themselves.


For example, projects ranged from Company Logos/Event Logos, Postcards, Bookmarks, Banners, Training Materials, Slides, to Social Media etc. The Stuttering Designer strives to provide the best quality of service for all its clients. A service of being on time and within budget. It all starts right from the kick off meeting and follows through to the finish line.

Speaking About Stuttering Awareness

In mid 2018 I decided to combine my stutter together with my passion of design and created the @StutteringDesigner.

3 Main Reasons of (WHY)

1) As a marketing strategy. Attract potential clients and showcase past clients design projects. Give graphic tips, tricks and discuss graphic topics like “Do You Know The Different Between RGB vs CMYK Colors” or “Is Black Really Black In Printing?” to name a few.

2) A form of personal speech therapy, trying to be in front of the camera and not always behind the scenes where I’m more comfortable at times.

3) A goal of speaking at events about Stuttering Awareness. Talking with others who might not know much about it. Providing them with a little insight into what many stuttering people might have to struggle with everyday.

Before I End

Would like to leave you with these thoughts. In our everyday busy lives let’s try to remember those people that might not be accepted or laughed at because they have a stutter. Or people don’t know what to say or how to react.

Let’s educate. Because people who stutter also have a voice and the right to be heard, just like anyone else. You know, as a person who stutters we have such a unique opportunity to teach others patience.

So today as you read this, I ask you, whatever your struggling with. DO NOT let your struggle, that one thing DEFINE who you are. What amazing things do you want people to remember you for?
