May 22, 2024

Do You Know the Difference?

Welcome back to the DESIGNS Blog, I’ll be your host, Rick the Stuttering Designer.

Do You Know the Difference?

In this ‘Quik Tip’, we will be discussing the term RGB vs CMYK color modes:

• What is the difference?

• Importance of the Term

• Relevance to Project

RGB (Red, Green & Blue)?

The color mode RGB, stands for Red, Green & Blue and is mainly used for displays. For example computer monitors, projection screens or etc., are configured to display in RGB.

Graphics that are on the internet are in this same mode. As you can see there is several different display devices these simple three colors work on. These are only a few, there are many more devices.

CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Black)

These four colors are the basic color inks that will be mixed at the time of printing.

The color mode CMYK, stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Black and is mainly used for print. Examples are business cards, menus, brochures etc.

Some print shops have the capabilities mixing different inks to create additional custom colors for printing.

Some Print Shops Might Not Print Your Project

Some printshops might not print your project files that are saved using the RGB color mode and might request you re-submit them in the CMYK color mode.

Others could accept your RGB files and either print your project files as is or convert them from RGB to CMYK and then print your project once converted.

Each printshop works differently when working with client files for printing. Keep in mind, changing the color mode at this point can change the look & cost of your project.

Final Thoughts

Remember when dealing with graphics, you want to keep in mind, “what is the final piece going to be used for.” For an example, you’re creating a graphic for a website or a brochure that will be sent to a print shop?

Did you know, those premium stock photos/graphics or the no charge websites provide those items in RGB color mode.

In my opinion RGB stock photos look better on screen, file sizes are smaller & quicker to download. Receiving graphics in the RGB color mode can be converted using programs similar to ©Adobe Photoshop during the creation period. By doing it then hopefully saves problems at printing time.

* The Stuttering Designer is not receiving any compensation from any parties for this DESIGNS Blog post.*

* The Stuttering Designer has written this DESIGNS Blog post because of the useful information to have as a resource for others.*

In Closing

For now, that’s a wrap. I am the Stuttering Designer. Connect on Instagram, Facebook & YouTube @StutteringDesigner and join the fam.

Thank you for coming along on this journey.

See you in the next blog post.